Disney Tree of Life projection show at the Animal Kingdom
Tree of Life during the day. Dozens of carved animals make up the trunk.
First test 3D printed block from LiDAR scan.
Starting to look like the base of the 3D printed tree.
More 3D printed blocks. The blue tree at the top is a small version of the tree that I used as my map for assembly.
Two layers assembled. The best glue to use on PLA plastic is this thick acrylic solvent - SCIGRIP Weld-On #16.
More layers of the trunk. Each block needed to be sanded on the connection sides for tighter fit.
The tree is hollow so engineering supports were needed to support the back of the model.
Fully assembled trunk.
Close up of model details. All seams are filled later.
I’ve tried resins and other materials to smooth 3D prints. The best is the one part Bondo Glazing Spot Putty.
Base paint.
More base painting.
The model of the tree was painted similar to the real tree so the light projections would be more accurate.
Final tree with branches added. It looks small in this image but in person its a big model.
First test projection animations.
Mapping digital 3D texture maps live on 3D printed model.